Family Tree of Akbar Chart [ 15th century Mughal king ]

Family Tree of Akbar: Akbar was from Mughal dynasty who invaded India in the 15th century.  Mughal Dynasty was Arabian by birth and invaded India. The First Mughal who invaded India was Barbar in the 15th century. Akbar was the Grandson of Babur.

The aim of the invaders was to destroy the Indian culture and loot the wealth. Akbar captured most of the parts of India and propagated Islam. In his Rule Hindu Slaughter, rape of women, conversions of Hindu population was on peak.

1. Family Tree of Akbar (Family of Arabian Invaders)

Family Tree of Akbar

2. Babar, The First Mughal Invader in India

Family Tree of Akbar

Family Tree of Akbar starts with his Grandfather Babar. Babar was born on  23 February 1483  in Uzbekistan.

  •  Babar's father: Umar Shaikh Mirza II

Babar was the very first person from Mughal dynasty who invade India. He invaded India in the start of the 15th century to destroy its glorious culture and propagate the Islamic Radicalization. His uncle Daulat Khan Lodhi invited him attack on India. Babar was also involved in the battle of Panipat.

He married to Maham Begum. He had 5 sons. Humayun was one of them.

3. The era of Humayun from Mughal Dynasty

[caption id="attachment_140" align="aligncenter" width="1009"]Humanyun Photo Original Photo of Humayun[/caption]

Humayun was born on 17 March 1508. His father name was Babar. In Akbar Family Tree, Humanyun followed the footsteps of his father and started to capture the rest parts of India. At that time India was divided into many dynasties.
Once Humayun got defeated by Sher Shah Suri and ran away from the battleground. He captured the throne of Mughal dynasty Back with the help of Bairam Khan.

Humayun married three times. Hamida Banu Begam was one of his mistresses. she gave birth to Akbar.

4. The era of Akbar in Family Tree of Akbar

[caption id="attachment_141" align="aligncenter" width="1089"]family Tree of Akbar Original Photo of Akbar[/caption]
Akbar was the son of Humayun. Akbar was born on 15 October 1542. He is referred as one of the wise and cruelest invaders of  Mughal dynasty. He used many new ways to conquer India and was almost successful. Matrimonial alliances was one of them. After the Death of Humanyun, Akabar became the new Mughal emperor. He started the Hindu conversion process again which was started by Mughals originally.

He tried himself to portrayed as God. For doing this, Akbar started a new religion Deen-e- Elahi. Birbal was the first person to accept this religion.

The married life of Akbar:

Akbar Married several girls. But the most controversial wife was Mariam-uz-Zaman. Her real name was Hira Kunwari (born October 1, 1542). She was a Rajput princess.
Besides his wives, Akbar also performed sexual slavery. He started Meena Bazaar where buy and sell of Hindu girls was being performed. He personally had his "Haram" Where approx 8000 girls were kept as sex slaves. Akbar himself was a sex maniac and drug addicts.

Akbar's children's Names:

  • The Family Tree of Akbar Consists of Many sons and daughters. Akbar had a total of 10 children consists of 5 sons and 5 daughters.

Akabar sons name:

  1. Jahangir

  2. Danial Mirza

  3. Murad Mirza

  4. Hasan

  5. Hussain

Akbar's daughters Names:

  1. Aram Banu Begam

  2. Khanum Sultan begam

  3. Shakr-un-Nisa Begam

  4. Shehzadi Khanum

  5. Mehar-un-nissa

5. The Era of Jahangir in India

[caption id="attachment_148" align="aligncenter" width="987"]jahangir photo Real Photo of Jahangir[/caption]

Jahangir was also a Mughal emperor, son of Akbar. His real name was Nur-ud-din Muhammad Salim. Jahangir married several times and Nur Jahan was one of his wives. Jahangir followed the Islamic Radicalization and propagated Islam to every corner of north India.
During his tenure, forceful conversions was being performed at large scale. Large number of Temples were destroyed and mosques built on them. His Wife nur Jahan gave birth to Shahjahan, the next mughal emperor.

6. The Era of Shahjahan in India

[caption id="attachment_143" align="aligncenter" width="947"]Shahjahan original photo Original Photo of Shahjahan[/caption]

Shahjahan was the next Mughal emperor after Jahangir. His childhood name was Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram. He married to Mumtaz Mahal and became the father of Aurangzeb, the next Mughal ruler.
In Family Tree of Akbar, Shahjahan is best-known for building the Taj Mahal after the death of his wife Mumtaz Mehal. It is now in the list of 7 wonders of World. Shahjahan made many structures during his tenure and emptied the treasure of Mughal dynasty.

To stop this, Aurangzeb Capture his father Shah Jahan and put him in jail for the rest of his life. After the death of Shahjahan in 1659, he got buried near Mumtaz Mahal.

7. The Cruelest Era of Aurangzeb

[caption id="attachment_142" align="aligncenter" width="821"]aurangzeb photo Real Aurangzeb Photo[/caption]

Aurangzeb is considered one of the Cruelest Mughal Invader in "Family Tree of Akbar". But it was not easy to loot India for him. In the Aurangzeb Era, Maratha king Shivaji Rao stopped him for so long and Aurangzeb never became successful to capture whole India.
The 9th Sikh guru also got martyred during the Aurangzeb time. He gave up his life to stop the killing of Kashmiri Pandits. After 9th Guru TegBahadur Ji, his son Guru Govind Singh Fought with Mughal dynasty against Aurangzeb.

Aurangzeb demolished the largest number of Temples in India and propagated Islam. He converted lakhs of Hindu's population to Muslim. Aurangzeb died on 3 March 1707 in Ahmednagar, Gujrat.


8. Conclusion After Family Tree of Akbar

In Family Tree of Akbar, All the six Mughal rulers were the cruelest and perfect example of Islamic Radicalisation. By their forceful conversions, the Large number of Hindu's got converted and Islam was established in the land of Sindh and around Indus River.

India Became so poor after the Invasion and its Social and cultural structure was broken down. Many customs like "Parda paratha", "Ghoonghat paratha", "childhood Marriage", "Rape culture" was established In India by these Mughal invaders.

In the last, we can conclude that Mughal's were no more than the destroyer of Rich history and culture of India. The came only to loot India and propagate Islam.
