Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree [Viking Hero of 9th century]

Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree: Ragnar Lodbrok or Lothbrok was a historically dubious Norse Viking hero . He was born in 765 AD. Ragnar Lodbrok was a legendary king of Denmark and Sweden, known as one of the most famous Vikings. During the 9th century, Ragnar coined himself as a brave worrier by fighting battles against Francia and Anglo-Saxon England. According to the Tale of Ragnar Lodbrok that most people know, Ragnar was the son of the Swedish king Sigurd Ring.

1. The history of Ragnar Lodbrok(Lothbrok)

Ragnar Lodbrok was a pagan who claimed to be a direct descendant of the god Odin in Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree. One of his favorite strategies was to attack Christian cities on holy feast days, knowing that many soldiers would be in church.

He spent most of his life as a pirate and raider, invading one country after another. He succeeded his father Sigurd ring and became the king of Denmark and Sweden. After coming into power and he became most famous Viking in Vikings family tree.

2. Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree

[caption id="attachment_440" align="aligncenter" width="1065"]Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree[/caption]

3.Sigurd Ring [Father of Ragnar Lodbrok]

Sigurd Ring is called the father of Ragnar Lodbrok. Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree doesn't complete without Sigurd HRing. He was a Viking hero born in 750 AD. In the old sources of Vikings information, he is remembered for winning the Battle of the Brávellir against Harald Wartooth.  Sigurd Ring ruled the reign from 770 AD to 804 AD. He was Germanic by religion. Sigurd Ring was the successor of Harald Warthooth.

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4. Alfhild Gandolfsdatter [Mother of Ragnar Lodbork]

Alfhild Gandlolfsdatter was the mother of Ragnar Lodbork. She was born in Born in 728 AD, in Hedmark, Norway. After the birth of Ragnar Lodbrok, Alfhild died in  810 AD in Uppsala, Sweden. When her husband Sigurd ring became an old man, he went to Skiringssal to take part in the great blóts.

There he spotted a very beautiful girl named Alfsol. Alfsol's two brothers refused to allow Sigurd ring to marry her. Sigurd ring fought with her brothers and killed them, but their sister had been given poison by her brothers before getting killed. 

5. Grandfather of Ragnar Lodbrok

  1. Gandalf Alfgeirsson was the grandfather (maternal side ) of Ragnar Lodbrok. In Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree, he was the father of Alfhild Gandlolfsdatter, also a legendary king of the petty kingdom Vingulmark, in south-eastern Norway. He is portrayed in Snorri Sturluson's saga Heimskringla. Heimskringla relates that Gandalf was given the kingdom of Alfheim by his father Alfgeir.

  2. Prince Randver Radbartsson Of Denmark was the Grandfather from the paternal side of Vikings Ragnar Lothbrok (Lodbrok). Many sources like Hversu Noregr Byggðist says he is the brother of Harald Wartooth.  Both Randver and Harald Wartooth were the sons of Valdar and Alfhild, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne.

Ivar made Valdar the king of Denmark, and when Valdar died, Randver became the king of Denmark. When his brother Harald Warthooth, had reclaimed Gotland, Randver died hastily in England country and was succeeded by Sigurd Ring as the king of Denmark.

6. Grandmother  of Ragnar Lodbork

  1. Grandmother (maternal side) of Ragnar Lodbrok (Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree) was Gauthild Gyrithe Alfsdottir. She had  Alfhild Gandolfsdatter, Hysing Gandolfsson, Haki Gandolfsson, Helsing Gandolfsson as her children.

  2. Sigurd Ring married two girls XHyletheansson and Ingild. These two women are the grandmother of Ragnar Lodbrok forms paternal side.

7. Great Grandfather  and Grandmother of Regnar Lodbork

King Radbart Skirtasson Of Garderige was the great Grandfather(paternal side) of  Ragnar Lodbrok (Lothbrok). He married to Princess Aud Hilde Ivarsdottir Of Denmark. Thus, she becomes the great grandmother of Ragnar Lodbrok.

8. Ragnar Lothbrok Family Tree Vikings

[caption id="attachment_451" align="aligncenter" width="859"]Ragnar lodbrok wives and sons Ragnar Lodbrok wives and sons[/caption]

Keeping an eye on Ragnar Lodbrok Wives and Children(SONS).  Ragnar Lodbtok married three times, First, he married to shieldmaiden Lagertha, second  Thóra Borgarhjǫrtr and then Aslaug (also known as Kraka), a Norse queen.

1. Shieldmaiden Lagertha

Legartha was a noblewoman and probably most loved wife of Ragnar Lodbrok. Ragnar married the legendary shield maiden Lagertha after impressing her by killing a bear.  A son named Fridleif was born to Ragnar and Lagertha after marriage.

2. Thora Borgarhjortr

Thora was the second wife of Ragnar Lodbrok. Ragnar divorced Lagertha and married Thora Borgarhjort, daughter of King Herraud of Sweden. Eirikr and Agnar were Ragnar Lothbrok sons from Thora.

3. Aslaug

When Ragnar Lodbrok's second wife Thora died, Ragnar set his eyes on Aslaug. Aslaug was the daughter of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer and Brynhildr. They became parents of  IvarBjornSigurdUbbaHalfdan after marriage.

9. Ragnar Lodbrok Father, Mother, Wife Children, Height, Death, and much more Information

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10. Death of Ragnar Lodbrok

Ragnar Lodbrok fought many battles in the area of Sweden and Denmark. Ragnar Lodbrok is the most notable member of Vikings family from history. In 865 King Aelle of Northumbria killed Ragnar Lodbrok by throwing him into a pit of snakes. "Ragnar Lodbrok Family Tree" continued by his sons.
